
Step 1/9: Let's get started
Step 1/9: Let's get started

Membership for 2023/24 - Register NOW


Register here as a "Dive School Diver" to be able to sign-up for Dive School.  You do not have to be a member to register for the Lil Ripper Holiday Program or Dive School Come N Try. If you have completed a term of Dive School before select RENEW (you do not need to know your Natioal Member ID).  New divers to the program select REGISTER.

Once registered you will then be able to enroll in Dive School under EVENTS.  You will only need to register once per financial year (1 July-30 June), and will be able to use your login details throughout the year.

When you login for the first time, we recommend that you change your password under ACCOUNT in the top right hand corner.